Friday, 9 December 2011

Applying for an acting job

This was a bitch to upload so if there's any errors in the post, apologies.

Original advert:

Looking for an actor age 25-35 to play a major role in an upcoming small independent movie directed by media graduates


From: Alex Richards (Alex Rickson)

To: ‘Tatiana’


Hello there,

I saw your ad on Craigslist that was looking for an actor aged 25-35 to play the leading role in a small short film. This is something that interests me. If you would like more information I can send some details and a summary of my previous acting experience.


A. Rickson


Thank for your interest!
Yes, we need more information, your pics and a summary.



Thank you for your quick reply, I currently do not have a promotional picture available but I can get one within the next week or so. Listed below is some information and a summary, most of my acting work has been done in the UK but I now reside in Los Angeles, California

Name: Alexander Manilow Meatloaf Rickson

Born: 7th May, 1978, London, United Kingdom

Resides: Los Angeles, California

Previous Work: (Show/Film - Episodes - Role - Year)

The Bill - 4 episodes - Court spectator #2 - 1997

SM:TV Live - 2 episodes - 'Pokémaster' - 1998

Heartburn Hotel - 6 episodes - Roy 'The Gimp' Stevens - 1998

Un Pamplemousse! - 3 episodes - Yuri Glanchkov (Voice Only) - 1999

SM:TV Live - 3 episodes - Beautiful Corr #4/Jim Corr - 2000

Barney's Broken Zoo - 6 episodes - Lawrence The Leper Leopard (Voice Only) - 2000

Sabrina The Teenage Witch - 1 episode - Mr. Kraft's Talking Desk - 2002

Grange Hill - 1 episode - Clive The Knife Maker - 2002

Busted's UK Tour - 1 episode - Charlie Simpson's eyebrows (Voice Only) - 2003

Jungle Run - 35 episodes - Elvis - 2003-2005

Little Britain - 4 episodes (14 sketches) - Various - 2004, 2005

David Francis' Lyre - Film - David Francis - 2008

Trapped In A Very Big Box - Film - Harold De La Cruz - 2008

Four Lions - Film - London Marathon runner - 2010

This is a list of the TV shows/films I have been in, as you can see it is mostly UK shows/films but I have also been in Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Trapped In A Very Big Box so I have previous experience of filming in the US. Please reply with any queries you may have or any further information you might require.




Thanks for your information, I see you are very experienced, this is always good. Will be waiting for your pics.
Hope to hearing from you soon.



Hi, managed to get in contact with someone and finally got a picture, it's from three years ago during the filming of 'David Francis' Lyre' but I don't look any different now. If you need any more information please don't hesitate to ask.



Here is the picture I sent (Yes, this man has no legs)


Thanks for your picture, has it been photoshopped or edited?



Hi, it has not been edited, it is a screenshot from ‘David Francis’ Lyre’, just before stumble upon the lyre and have the sex scene with Venezuelan glamour model Suzianna Esposito. I wont say any more in case you want to watch it yourself.




Im afraid you would not be suitable for the role we are currently casting.

Thanks for applying.



Woah, woah, woah, woah

Woah now Monica Lewinsky.

Is there an explanation for this rejection?




I envisioned the character differently to how you look in your picture.



Oh, I see. I know why I’ve been rejected, it’s because I wear glasses isn’t it? You should have stated that you wanted someone with perfect eyesight, or maybe you did BUT I JUST DIDN’T SEE IT!




It is not because you wear glasses we just don’t think you will suit the part



I’m sorry, could you re-write that please? Preferably with a bigger font so I can see it.


Afjeifdeefluhv Oh look I spelled my name wrong because I can't see the keyboard.


Alex, I think you know the problem.



Is it simply that my skin is not ‘alabaster’ enough?




End of correspondence

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