From: Alex Richards
To: Mind organisation
Hello there,
I have a keen interest in the mind, especially the subconscious mind and uses of subliminal messaging.
The fact that my mind can be affected without me being aware just fasciKILLnates me.
I've been doing some research on different suKILLKILLKILLTHEMALLbliminal messaging techniques used by
large compITSWORTHITanies to get people to bHELPMEuy their products. I was just wondering if you had any
inforDESTROYEARTHmation on why a subcoFOREVERRRRRR!nscious even exists, and how it can be used to an
adMUAHAHAHAvantage, as I have heard various advertiIWILLRULETHEWORLDsements saying 'Use your subconscious
brain power' etc. Any informPETTYEARTHLINGSation on this would be appreciated. (A prompt reply would also be appreciated)
Thanking you
A. Richards
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your email dated 9 March 2010.
I understand you have an interest in the subconscious mind and the use of subliminal messaging. You would like to know if we have any information about why the subconscious mind exists and how it can be used.
Here at the MindinfoLine we provide information and signposting options to people experiencing mental distress, their carers, families and professionals.
We do not have any specific information about the subconscious mind and the use of subliminal messaging although we are contacted sometimes by people who feel they are affected by subliminal messages.
If this is a matter which is causing you concern then you could talk to someone at your local Mind association (LMA). Each LMA is a charity in its own right and affiliated to Mind and the services each is able to offer depend on their individual resources. You can find details of your nearest LMA on our website:
You could also discuss any concerns you may have with your GP.
I hope this information helps.
Best wishes,
-----------------------------------------------Boring generic response = end of correspondence